Intelligent cities

noviembre 10, 2007 at 10:24 am Deja un comentario


Los pasados 18 y 19 de octubre se celebró en Faro, la ciudad del Algarve portugués el seminario de cierre del proyecto interreg Intelligent cities que ha sido una experiencia de indudable interés para analizar, comparar, asumir y proponer experiencias y actuaciones en materia de urbanismo tecnológico, digital o de espacios urbanos inteligentes (innovation hubs) en los que las nuevas tecnologías y la economía de la informacíón y del conocimiento sirven para ir construyendo una nueva morfología de la ciudad.

En esta red de investigación urbanística han participado organismos portugueses como Inteli, holandeses como el Inta (International Network for Urban Development), la Fundación Metrópoli o el Departamento de urbanismo de la Universidad de Cardiff.

Una introducción sobre la el desarrollo urbano basado en el conocimiento se transcribe a continuación:

Cities are the focal points of the knowledge economy. In cities, knowledge is produced, processed and marketed. The infrastructure for knowledge is mostly found in cities. A Knowledge City is a city that relies on Knowledge-Based Development (KBD) and possesses advanced means for facilitating dissemination and capitalisation of knowledge to its citizens. The ‘Intelligent Cities – Innovative and Competitive Cities for Sustainable Development’ project takes a closer look at intelligent cities and KBDs and provides political guidelines for creating innovative and competitive urban areas.

‘Intelligent Cities – Innovative and Competitive Cities for Sustainable Development’, is an Interreg IIIC project funded by the EU. The project is linked to the need for a strategy for innovative, competitive cities that function on a national and international level. Cities are undergoing a renaissance as scenes for economic development and as driving forces behind regional competitiveness. National matters such as economic competitiveness, quality of life, social equilibrium, innovation and environmental sustainability depend on the capacity for governance of cities and city regions. The project aims to draw up a strategy for a city policy based on interregional cooperation, and to define one of its specific tools focusing on knowledge and innovation – the “innovation hub”. An “innovation hub” is an area of excellence in which science, technology and innovation are used to galvanize cities and achieve sustainable urban development. The project will launch a set of political guidelines for creating innovative, competitive urban areas.

En fin, siempre nos quedará el Valle del Silicio, cuya imagen adjunto al principio

Entry filed under: urbanismo.

Las diez razones de la vocación del urbanista Urbanismo público vs urbanismo privado: 100 años después

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noviembre 2007

